Maternalist > Feminist
A finely elucidated interrogation by Elisabeth Badinter in Harper's (March 2012)
-- photo of a work by Robert Ryan in It's Nice That Issue #5, "What People Feel Is At The Top Of The List"
Year End 2011
It's been a wonderful year, 2011. This last week sees some of us on the beach, others furiously wrapping up at the office and many, I would venture to guess, ready to turn a page. Here are two selections from this digital archive to see you into 2012: The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People and The Most Dangerous Game.
Happy page turning, however you do. Personally, I heart my iPad. See you on the flip side.
Norman Norell
Before there was LL Cool J.
Photo, Suzy Parker, wearing Norell.
“She kept the clothes in a separate apartment.”
Useful and fun: Ω ® ☼